Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rehearsal + Ticket Sales

Dear MAWE members,

Please note the following rehearsal dates up till concert. You are expected to turn up for all the practices.

28th Jan, thu – 7 to 9.30pm

30th Jan, sat – 2 to 6pm

4th Feb, thu – 7 to 9.30pm

6th Feb, sat – 2 to 6pm

8th Feb, mon – 7 to 9.30pm

10th Feb, wed – 7 to 9.30pm

12th Feb, fri – (Concert Day) Please be ready at the Esplanade at 3:45pm

Also, please push for the ticket sales, everyone is expected to sell 10 tickets. I will be collecting the order and money by next week.


Wai Yip

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