Sunday, November 04, 2007

Postpone of Jan Concert

This is in response to the Jan Concert. The concert is postponed due to some unforseen reasons. The Committee has already elaborated on the reasons during yesterday's practice.

The committee needs to say afew words about this issue. We deeply regret that the concert has been postponed. But, it has been hurtful hearing things like "cheated" on the tag.

We had not cheated on our members. If we did, the scores would not have appeared during your practices. Also, we appeal to others who think very highly of themselves.

During exam periods, we never force members to come. Take an example last week, some of the members went for a concert and thus skipping alumni practice. But we did not force them to come, we only replied "enjoy your concert".

If members think we have wasted their time, we ought to say the committee have wasted more time. The planning, contacting of the conductors, booking of venue, printing of scores, messaging the members practice time. All these require time and effort. So the time members spend in this band is so insignificant as to compared to the committee.

We feel some of the members are taking things for granted and we hope they do a reflection on themselves about how much effort they have put into this band as to compared to the committee as well as other members who sacrificed their time to come for practices every week.

We hope all our members to think about the many things the committee has made possible like WMC'05, NBC'06, the annual concerts. Much effort has been put by the committee so we feel its unjust to judge us after this issue.

Next, we would also like to thank those members who had taken the extra effort to come down for practices. Although the concert is postponed, your efforts have not gone to waste. We thank you once again for your relentless support for this band.

Zhen Cheng
Logistics Head
Maris Stella Symphonic Band Alumni

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