Sunday, March 04, 2007

New President + Concert + SYF

Dear Alumni members,

A few things to announce for this entry.


Alumni Practice

Alumni Practice will resume on 10th March 2007, Saturday! Everybody please be present for this upcoming practice. Thank you!


mssba President

Just to update on the NEW President matter. The alumni committee has decided on the New President (we have decided since last year :)). We will announce to all of you soon.


July Concert (29th July 2007)

Please take note that We will be having concert on 29th July 2007, Sunday at 5 pm at Victoria Concert Hall. Please make yourself free on that day. Lin Sheng wants me to CONFIRM members. So Please give us your confirmation.

Repertoire for this concert

We are still trying out pieces for this concert, will have a few Singapore Premiere pieces. So please come down for band practices so we can try out those pieces with full instrumentation. THANK YOU!


SYF 2007 for Main Band

Mr Chiang wants those alumni members who are free on Saturday or any other days to come down to help the Main Band members to prepare for the upcoming SYF.

Those who wish to help out please inform me the time you can come down. You can also check the schedule with either Mr Chiang or me.

I hope most of you can help out with the main band members.

For those who has yet to know this piece of information, Main band will be playing With Heart and Voice for their SYF.


SMU Concert!

SMU Symphonia will be having Concert on 11th March 2007, at Singapore Conference Hall at 730. Ticket is priced at $15.

They are playing: Danse Diabolique, 7th Night of July (tanabata), Tico Tico and etc.

Marist Alumni members that will be playing for the concert: Chong Min, Yi Ming, Charles, Derek and Haryl.

Do support them if you have the time! Thankz!!

Please contact Chong Min or Haryl or me for tickets.


That's all for this Entry.


10th March Practice is important! Please make sure you will be present for the pract!


Fredy Chia
mssba president

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