Saturday, July 18, 2009

A gift for ALL MSSBA members! Our Mascot!

Hi All,

I think this can be our mascot from now on!!

mssba teddy! mssba monogram version

Just for mssbalumni members!

maris stella symphonic band alumni
~the legacy continues~

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Alumni Shirt Design Voting

Hi All,

Below will be a few designs for our alumni shirt.

The shirt will be a WHITE POLO. I am trying to get white DRI FIT POLO.

Front will be like this.

Now, for the back, please choose according to the 6 Options (A, B, C, D, E, F). My Personal choice will be 1. F, 2. A, 3. B, 4.E, 5. C, 6.D. Choose yours now!

Please kindly vote for the design with the poll below.


That's all!


maris stella symphonic band alumni

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Upcoming Events

Hi All,

Please kindly refer to your email for all our upcoming performing dates and program for those events.

I seek highest co-operation from everyone in the band so as to have a successful and good playing performances.

Please kindly inform your SL if you are unable to make it for practice.

** SL > please refer to the members list at the side of this blog. There are some changes to your section members. Those without valid reason and have not been regular or unable to attend practice due to certain reasons have been eliminated from the section. Kindly make sure ALL your section mates do attend practice from now on and inform you if they are unable to make it.

Thank you.

maris stella symphonic band alumni
~the legacy continues~